It's early monday morning and it's nice and cool ...for now anyways. We have had 98% humidity now for a couple weeks. We are just not used to that. I don't mind the hot days we have but it's usally dry! Oh well we will adjust I guess. Here are the side walls waiting to go up. Nows the time to get them up and keep the whole trailer squared up also. I usally don't do so well with keeping things square but to avoid issues later we have to.
One side is up..whoo hoo! Now the hard part. The other side has to
Stop for some coffee and think about this for a minute.
Yay! it's up. After this we double checked and even triple checked that everything was in place and square. There are a few more brace in now but this was the last pic we took for the day. We found a piece of counter top we wanted for the galley so we are off to the store to get it. We are done with this project for today we are going to kick back, have a few friends over and cook up some old fashion bar-b-que for Memorial day! Where do we go from here? Not sure but stay tuned I'm sure we will figure it out. See ya'll