Sunday, July 8, 2007

Howdy all! Well all the electrical is done! finally! Everything we did electrical wise worked out like we planned. I will try to get some after dark pictrues soon. Friday night we had a electrical lock in and me and Noel did not stop till we were done with it.

Nice pic of where it all comes together. It has a lot more connected to it now.

Saturday consisted of a weighted punch list. We got through it as it did take all day.

We even got the Escape wired and ready for action. Wasn't too tough at all. I used to do this sort of thing for a living about 18 years ago. It's amazing how it all comes right back to you.

Noel and her mom were able to get some curtians made. They look great and when Noel get's done with the bedding and all I will get some more pics.

Noel started pulling the plastic off. We've been waiting to do this for so long it seems. It was great to see it come off!

Noel let me do the other side! Man that was satisfying!

Our Daughter Cheyanne got pull off some too! Nice and shiney!

Well it's Sunday morning and everyone is still sleeping. I was able to get the rain gutters installed and did some water proofing of some stuff under the trailer that we noticed were bare the other night. I also got the flag set up installed and ready to go. We will have a Texas flag for the other side but we still need to go get those.

Well that's about it for now. We will be moving out Wed. morning for a five day stay in the tear. I hope it all pans out! :) I'm sure it will. We will keep you updated! I think today Noel will get the bedding in and all that ready. I'm anxious to see how it will all work out. Catch ya'll later.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy July 4th!

Hope everyone had a GREAT 4th of July. We spent ours on the trailer. Our morning consisted of the actual trailer wiring and Noel finished up her work on the galley door.

I spent about 3 hours on my back getting all the wiring hooked up and stowed away.

Here's the galley lid finished up, still need to put the seal on and few odds and ends. Should have about only a hour or so to finish up. Great work babe!

We also got the radio antenea put on. Took a bit of rigg'n but got it done and works great. We also did a bunch of the wiring inside the trailer but didn't get many pics. So many odds and ends were done today the list would go on forever. The countdown has begun we have 6 days (really a bit less) to get campable. If we don't run into any major problems we should be able to make it.

See ya'll

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lights, Vents and Poly Oh My!

Hey it's Tuesday! Got to admit they are better than Mondays!

We got quite a bit done tonight. Noel started early this evening with getting the poly on the hatch. I was able to get all the holes and what not filled and it sanded for her last night. She also finished off some pieces on the inside. I was kinda jumping around again.

I was able to get all the marking lights installed. Come tomorrow I will be getting all the electrical squared away and finished.

This one is for ole' Classic Finn over at the t&ttt forums. They were ribbing me on my hatch support. So here I got one made that doesn't consist of a 2xfour.... :P It's actuall a modified Kamp pal from wally world. It worked out pretty good for now any ways. I'm not real sure what we will be doing for this later. I didn't really build the hatch to support any gas hinges so we will have to wait and see. "it's an upgrade" coming soon to a winter near you.

Here's a pic of the vent and one of the lights. We have another vent just like it on the other side and 3 other lights. We were running low on battery in the camera so that's about it for the pics. See ya tomorrow! hopefully with a fully wired tear. :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Saturday and Sunday!

Howdy all! We have made it to another weekend. This means I have only this weekend and the next the get this trailer usable. It's time to put the hammer down. As long as my hammer holds out. :)
I still pose the same question. Do we really need doors? We have the other side door made and installed. I would have to say that this has been my least favorite of the build. Anyways, they are built, installed and hopefully don't leak. We still need to finish the wood parts and do some other touch ups but that won't take too long and should be able to wipe that out during the week.

I don't remember just what we were looking at on this door but it was a good pic the door so I included it here.

Here's the other door and we were trying to deside just how we were going to mount the AC. We built a small frame on the AC it self that work quite well. Once the AC is in the window it should be water tight and solid.

Here's a pic of it from the inside on some trial fitting runs. Looks like it will work.

Me and Noel were able to get our daugher Cheyanne, out Sunday morning. Man getting those teenagers out of bed is a chore in itself. While Noel was out taking care of some items we needed for the trailer Chey came out and helped me get the fenders mounted. Then we took them off again and painted them and once dry she helped me with putting them back on again.

See we are having fun, that is what it's all about right?

Here's the fender all mounted and ready for action but needs a bit of decoration so see pics below to see how the turned out.

Getting started on the trim. This wasn't too tough but very time consuming. Did I mention it was getting hotter by the minute.

Almost done with this side.

Well, there it is with all the trim on. Come out really sharp. We think it did anyways. The other side is complete also. I started with the under trailer wiring and decided I had over heated a bit and quit for the night. Noel worked on getting some curtians made and the bed ready go in also so we got quite a bit done this weekend. We have about 8 days to go before we will need the trailer. One more weekend and a holiday on Wed. We don't have any plans for the 4th this year so I'm sure we will spend the day working on the tear.
See ya'll next time. It's time to go to work and recover...hehe!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Doors! Do we really need doors?

Howdy all once again. Well building this week seems to have come to a crawl. We have been working on the doors. Oh so much fun! Long story short I just knew I should have cut that extra 1/8 inch off. I knew it! After some frustration we finally just un-did everything we did and re-did it. All is good now and the door seems great. We will need to add a spacer to the hinges on the trailer side in order for it to work like it should.

My trim work isn't the best in the world but doesn't look too bad and think after it's all cleaned up it will be fine.

Still adjusting the doors here. We also lost a couple nights due to thunder storms so all in all it really wasn't a bad week just a slow one. The door on the other should be a bunch better and faster now that we know what we have to do.

A Look see from the inside.

Hung and ready for action. Well almost still need the spacers but that won't take too long. ( I don't think). Tonight we are taking a night off to enjoy some family time but Saturday morning we will be hitting it hard.

Till then.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Another fast weekend! They seem so short.

Another weekend is upon us and we were able to get a good start on things Friday night. As soon as both of us got off work we headed down to the county office and obtained our tags and what not. Quick and painles just the way I like it. Well not completely painless because we still had to pay for the tags but close enough. Then we headed over to Young's Trailer to see what he had in fenders. Pat suggested these so we took his professional opinion and took them. Not a bad deal either $30.00 for the pair. They are raw steel and need to be worked but they are in good condition so it shouldn't be too tough.

I was taking Noel though the steps for painting raw steel and she wiped out the prep work in no time. I told her she needed to come to the shop and do this for me. She kinda giggled and then gave me a "eh right"hahaha. Here's the fenders after the primer.

We spent the rest of the evening deciding on our plan of attack on the galley hatch.

Saturday morning, after a couple cups of joe We dug right in. We trimmed out the galley walls right off the bat. Next was to hit all the wiring in the door and set the latches up where they need to be.

Well I screwed the pooch on this one and was in no mood to change or fix it. I measured twice but still managed to flip the latch when I drilled the holes. We had already cut the lock bars and would have to order new ones to change it. So what all this means is our handle will be 2 inches to the left. aggghhh Noel kept joking all day. "qouting That 70's Show" "We moved every thing 2 inches to the left" " It's art man" :)

Here we set the door back in. You can see the wiring for the lights and speakers.

The first piece of aluminum is kinda on. Just checking and double checking. It's warming up and is quite humid so we are moving a bit slower now.

The lights and the plate holder are installed. I double checked all wiring before getting to this point but for good measure I checked again. Yup they all work. Let's hope it stays that way.

It's getting late Saturday night. Storms are moving in. It's kool to watch them build right over head. Lot's of lightning and thunder. Just kinda a slow even roar over head. It's still hot though. working on getting that second piece of aluminum installed before we call it a day.

It's Sunday morning. Thinks look a bit better this morning. We finished the trim, hinge and got the t-handle installed. The door still doesn't fit quite like I want but after some tweaking this morning it does fit, close and open a lot better. Still need to install the seals but will wait on those until we get some of the finishing details done. This was the only pic we got on Sunday. Wished I would have gotten more. We also trimmed out the doors on the cabin side. The battery, switch and charger are installed.(and work!). We ran all the wire from the galley hatch inside. We also finished priming the underside of the fenders and put on a couple coats of automotive undercoating. They are ready for paint now. We will take care of that this week some time. We are up to 21 tours of our TD so far. It's amazing it's never been any farther than our drive way. Can't wait till it hits the road.
See ya next time!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Raise the Roof!

Howdy all! We avoided the roof for as long as we could. It wasn't too bad. We set up the EZ-up to get the sun off us as it was pretty dang warm today. Also the metal gets hot fast and makes it hard to handle. The way our garage faces we get the full brunt of the afternoon and evening summer sun. So the EZ-up helped a lot.

We temp screwed the back side down. These screws will have to come out once we are ready to install the galley hatch.

Also installing the diamond plate aluminum on the front. We did this so that our trim will cover all edges.

Here it is with all the aluminum on and ready for trim.

Test fitting the trim and getting it all bent in the shape needed. We took it slow and steady. had a few buckles to work out but didn't come out to bad. We will pull it up at a later time and seal it all up real good but for now we are just getting the pieces cut and shaped. I actually shorted myself by 6 inches. GEEZ! So I have to find a 3 foot piece to take care of that. I knew I would be short on some of my trim pieces but I was sure I had enough of this trim. I guess not! oh well, were not ready finish up this part yet so we have some time to get more in. We are going to try and get our fenders tonight. They will have to be fitted and painted. Gave a couple more tours too! It's just amazing at the number of people that will stop and want to check it out. I've lost count but I think that makes 18 tours already and we’re not even done yet. The road you always see in the pictures is heavily traveled and we run into people all over town asking us how the trailer is going. It's crazy how many people are actually watching us build this thing. I always tell them to stop and take a look. Maybe we should sale tickets and give a show every half hour. :)